Monday, November 21, 2011

My Highlight At Camp Bentzon.

My Highlight at camp bentzon was being able to face my fears at the concourse court ,abseiling wall and also the sailing. It was an awesome experience of nature on the island as well.

The fairy ride was awesome but the luggage carrying not so much, The cabins were great the food was super great but the hike not so great. I had an awesome time together with my team Kawau and I wish them all the very best for the future.

Peter and Erin were our hosts at Kawau Island while we were staying there, they were also our instructors for sailing and kayaking as they were both used as our activities for the amount of days we stayed there. We had to be quiet as there were people living there like tourists and inspectors and so on...
Well what I m trying to say is that I enjoyed my time at camp and I would be privileged to go back as a helper when I am older

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