Friday, August 16, 2013

My Next Steps

In Room 22 we have been working hard and aiming higher in maths. He has been teaching us new strategies each day and  has filed all our knowledge and information on a presentation that tracks our success so that at the end of the year we will know if we have achieved or not.  This presentation helps us children including myself to accelerate and to know exactly what I'm looking at doing better at. For example the green shows what strategies I'm good at , the red shows you what I need working on and what I need to pay more attention to and last but not least the yellow simply means that I sort of know it but need to learn more of it.

1 comment:

  1. Mr Barks is really helping you to focus on your Maths and, no doubt, your goals in the other subjects. Keep persevering and succeeding.
    Mr H.


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